Friday, October 9, 2015

Food Styling Week 5

Last week, I learn to prepare and shoot fake cereal & beverage. For this week, it is steak. Well, there are some technique that I learn from pak cik.. It is very interesting to learn on how to make the steak look tempting and live.

Haaaa, nak buat food styling kat steak pulak ada teknik yang diperlukan.. Nasib baik pak cik baik sebab pinjamkan besi rod untuk buat teknik "branding" kat steak tu..hehe

To make this branding technique, we must have a steel rod like the picture above. Heat the rod, make sure the rod is really hot. After we do the branding, saute the steak for  a while in the combination of oil, butter and pinch of sugar. Cook the steak under medium heat to avoid the steak become burn. The purpose of sugar is to give the brown color to the steak.

For this shooting, me and my mate want to do the outdoor shooting. Well we faces many obstacle while shooting this steak..hahaha

Seriously, I like this shot but I make a mistake which is some part of the sauce is drying. Tip to avoid the sauce from drying when doing outdoor shooting is coated the surface of sauce with oil.

This is the earlier shot before we pour in the sauce. At this time, the sauce not drying yet. haha
And this is the picture that I submitted to pakcik..

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