Friday, September 11, 2015

Laksa di Malaysia

Pertamanya, Sya buat assignment jugak pasal jenis-jenis laksa yang ada kat Malaysia..Walaupun tak semua tapi boleh la untuk hantu-hantu laksa di Malaysia nie..Sya pon salah sorang penggemar laksa sebab mak Sya pon jual laksa..

Sya buat assignment HTC 555 Ethnic Malay Cuisine sem lepas..So untuk korang yang pelajar atau penggemar laksa boleh la baca atau "copy & paste" tapi pepandai la korang edit supaya tak nampak sama..gambar-gambar nie semuanya dari google dan blog..hehe
Asam Laksa Penang
Also known as Laksa Penang. This is a spicy-sour fish base noodle soup that is popular in Penang, an island state in northwest Peninsular Malaysia. Asam Laksa have be said come from Chinese people (peranakan) who migrated to Malaya. Usually, in the making of Asam Laksa gravy is using mackerel fish and sardine fish. This sour and sweet Assam Laksa is eaten with rice noodle with topped on ingredients of ginger flower bud, onion, cucumber, lettuce, red chili, mint leaves, chilies, pineapple and drizzle with Penang prawn paste. The slightly sweet brown and tangy sour fish based gravy is not too thick and neither too light.
Laksa Kuala Perlis
Laksa Kuala Perlis, is a popular food in Perlis. The specialty of laksa is the laksa noodle is originally made by homemade from rice and eaten together with "pulut udang" or "kuih sfera". Usually, the laksa gravy base is thick and made using mackerel fish and sardine fish. This laksa is garnished with ingredients of sliced onion, chilies, hard-boiled egg and sium javanicum (selom leaf).
Laksa Sarawak

Laksa Sarawak is a traditional food of the people of Sarawak. The main base in this laksa is using coconut milk and rice vermicelli. The reddish color thickens grav does not use curry paste but use curry Laksa Sarawak natives. Laksa Sarawak have fatty taste, and is mixed with shredded chicken, shredded boiled, poached half-cooked bean sprouts, boiled shrimp, fried egg slices and some other materials. When served, Laksa Sarawak is served together with shrimp paste and lime.
Laksa Johor

Laksa Johor use coconut milk and herring fish as the gravy base and very popular in Johor, a southern state in Peninsular Malaysia. The gravy base is thick and rich in fatty taste. The speciality in this Laksa Sarawak is uses of spaghetti instead of laksa noodle and served with "sambal belacan". Garnishing for Laksa Johor is the cucumber, bean sprouts, onion, sweet basil leaves or kesum leaf, lime and horseradish sauce.
Laksa Nyonya
The delicious noodles in spicy coconut gravy based from the Nyonya heritage in Malacca. Laksa Lemak or Laksa Nyonya is a type of laksa eat with bee hoon or rice vermicelli, served with a fish based gravy, dried shrimp and rich coconut milk. Sometimes, can use prawn or chicken stock. This Laksa Nyonya actually has a creamy and fragrant taste also rich with prawn taste and have strong yellow color. Garnish with bean sprouts, cucumber, and tofu puffs. Topped with prawns, fish cake slices, quail eggs, and "daun kesum," if using. Serve with sambal.
Laksa Siam
Kanom jeen or in Malay is Laksa Siam is a soft and thin rice noodle made from fermented rice. The dish even without the chili would have an intense flavor from all the other herbs; the lovely yellow color comes from fresh turmeric. The dish is served with an assortment of raw and blanched vegetables. The vegetable used is long bean, bean sprout, cucumber, pickle vegetable, shredded cabbage and sprinkle with chili flake or dry bird chili fried. Three types of gravy, that is:
1)    The fish curry gravy made with fish, turmeric, ginger, garlic, shrimp paste,  
shallots, galangal, lemon grass, peppers, coconut milk and fish sauce.
2) Mild and lightly sweet coconut-green chili curry with fish balls.

3) Sweet chili paste made with shrimp and coconut milk.
Laksa Kedah
North laksa original recipes, are well known in the state of Kedah and Perlis. A well-flavoured fish such as fresh sardines or mackerel (ikan kembung). Topped with calamansi lime squeeze and sliced bird's eye chili definitely will be delicious. Usually the gravy is less thick. Have spicy and sour taste. Using thick rice noodle.
Laksam is a food that come from Kelantan. The noodles is made from rice flour and be eaten with white thick gravy. The noodle liquid is steamed in flat mold and folded into long shape. After that, cut the noodle for the gravy easy to absorb. The main ingredients in the gravy is mackerel fish and coconut milk. Served together with sambal, long bean, bean sprout, lime, cucumber and cabbage. The black pepper in gravy give some spicy taste.
Laksa Goreng

A very popular fried laksa version of the Laksa Singapore, it also comes with prawns, fish cake, cockles, dried tofu, egg and laksa leaves as garnishing. Using thick rice noodles (laksa) as the main ingredient. Then noodles will be blanched before fried. The color of Laksa Goreng looks brown but do not have strong dark brown because of the influence of sweet soy sauce and dark soy sauce in the Laksa Goreng. Usually, the vegetable used in the Laksa Goreng is mustard, chive, selom leaf, and bean sprout.
Laksa Terengganu

Originally, Laksa Terengganu use their hand to eat laksa. Laksa Terengganu have 2 types of gravy that is red gravy (cooked gravy) and white gravy (uncooked gravy). The red gravy use chili and spices and look like Laksa Johor. While the white gravy do not use chili. Usually, the white gravy made by coconut milk (mixed with hot water) and added together with black pepper, onion and cooked fish meat. This type of gravy cannot last longer. Fish used in this laksa is mackerel fish.
Laksa Pahang

Laksa Pahang gravy is thickens, fat and creamy. The ingredients consist of mackerel fish, mackerel fish pickles, coconut milk, "kerisik" and others. The scholar leaf like kaduk leaf, basil leaf, cucumber and bean sprouts. Serve together with chili pepper and a little shrimp paste. The laksa noodle is made by homemade using kneaded flour and then blanched. After that, going through the process of "mengecap" and made the coiled form.


  1. Sy nk mintak tolong viralkan berita baik ni ye📢😉
    Assalamualaikum salam sejahtera warga group📢

    1) Ni berkenaan kisah hidup pesakit kencing Manis kaki luka dan masalah saraf sendi2 dan juga kisah hidup pesakit kanser stage 1 sampai stage 4.

    Ia penawar herba yang sangat selamat untuk semua tak kira umur dan harga berpatutan tapi kesannya standing produk harga mahal ribuan ringgit.

    2)Ramai yg dah cuba penawar herba ni dan makin sihat serta mendapat impak positif. Kanser yg sudah merebak ke organ-organ lain pun boleh kita ikhtiar, Insya Allah.☺👍🏻

    3) Banyak pengalaman dh saya berdepan dengan pesakit2 kanser,sakit saraf,sakit lutut dan gout. Ramai yg dh pulih.

    4)Mcm2 kanser blh diikhtiarkan termasuk leukimia,paru2,limfoma dan lain-lain

    5) Puan Rasmani Binti Md Noh, psakit lutut kronik yg terpaksa jalan mengesot esot atas lantai dan klau cuba berjalan secara berdiri boleh dengar lutut berbunyi tulang dan sangat sakit. Hendak masak terpaksa gunakan kerusi sebab xmampu berdiri lama2 dan lepas 6 hari minum dah mampu berjalan lancar dan saraf kaki dah tak tegang dah. Mampu masak berdiri semula. Kesan sangat cepat baru 6 hari minum.

    Testimoni-testimoni Pengguna Jutawan Herbs:

    ▪Cucu Puan Mazili, Kanser Leukimia ALL B- Cell.

    Puan Mazili ada cucu lelaki berumur 3 tahun 8bulan yang dulu menghidap kanser Leukimia ALL B-Cell (Acute Precursor B-Cell All). Kalau dulu dia mengalami komplikasi limpa dan hati yang dah bengkak tapi sekarang syukur dia dah sembuh dengan rawatan doktor dan rawatan dari Jutawan Herbs.Sekarang dia menjalani kehidupan seperti kanak-kanak sihat lain.

    ▪Puan Roselawaty bt Jaafar, 47tahun , Kanser payudara tahap 2, asal dari Kedah.

    Pada tahun 2019 doktor telah mengesahkan dia menghidap kanser payudara tahap 2. Keputusan ujian Memogram di klinik BP Bukit Mertajam, doktor mengesahkan ada ketulan kanser di payudara sebelah kiri. Tetapi doktor tidak dapat pastikan itu kanser kerana bentuknya bulat biasa, sepatutnya ketulan kanser bulat dan tajam-tajam. Jadi dia ke Hospital Metro Sg Petani dan keputusannya negatif. Sekarang ni dia dah bebas dari kanser selepas membuat rawatan di hospital dan mengamalkan Jus Jutawan Herbs dalam masa yang sama. Dia buat gabungan rawatan moden dan herba.


    ▪Puan Zalina bt Ismail, 48 tahun ,Kanser Payudara Agresif.

    Dia telah disahkan menghidap kanser payudara pada April 2018. Dia mula sedari ade satu garis yang keras di bahagian bawah payudara kanan pada bulan Mac 2018. Jadi dia terus buat ujian memogram dan doktor sahkan dia menghidap kanser payudara agresif serta perlu operate segera. Dia jalani rawatan hospital dan ambil herba Jutawan Herbs bersama-sama. Gabungan rawatan moden dan herba membuatkan dia sembuh sampai sekarang syukurlah makin sihat.

    ▪Puan Noraini bt Yusof, Kanser Payudara tahap 3. Dari Shah Alam.

    Pada Mei 2017, Puan Noraini disahkan menghidap kanser payudara tahap 3. Saiz ketulan kansernya ialah 13.3 cm. Dia menjalani kimo dan buang ketulan dengan operation. Dia juga jalani mastectomy, radiotherapy dan herceptin selama setahun. Menantunya terjumpa blog Jutawan Herbs dan menyarankannya untuk ambil rawatan herba Jutawan Herbs dalam masa yang sama meneruskan rawatan hospital iaitu kimo. 4 bulan sekali dia berjumpa Oncologist ,alhamdulillah result semua memuaskan seperti tak ada penyakit kanser pun. Sampai sekarang dia masih ambil herba Jutawan Herbs untuk kekalkan kesihatan dan menguatkan antibodi.


    Call atau WhatsApp untuk order dan sebarang pertanyaan di nombor berikut :

    En. Mohd Zuhairi Bin Noordin - 017468 7570


Fendi VS Destinasi TV

 Assalamualaikum wbt kpd semua. Alhamdulillah hari nie 19 Julai 2023 bersamaan dgn 1 Muharram 1445H bermulalah permulaan baru tahun Hijrah. ...