Friday, November 27, 2015

Food Styling Week 11

Haaaaaa.. For this week, the assignment is faking the ice cream..So untuk korang semua yang dok tengok iklan ais krim Wall, Nestle and so on tu jangan la percaya sangat..

Terutamanya iklan yang ais krim bertingkat-tingkat tu..hahaha.. Actually, to faking the fake ice cream is easy and very simple.. You only need shortening, icing sugar, corn flour, corn syrup, coloring and props that you gonna need..

The recipe to make fake ice cream is:
2 cups Crisco
250 gm icing sugar (more or less)

If you fake ice cream is too thick, you can use corn syrup and if it is too wet, you can use corn flour. The fake ice cream can use mixer or by hand.. Sometimes, when we handle too much fake ice cream will melt, so you can put inside the chiller for a while.

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